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 Gamebook Creator

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Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 05/08/2012

Gamebook Creator Empty
MessageSujet: Gamebook Creator   Gamebook Creator EmptyLun 13 Aoû 2012 - 14:24

Hello everyone, this is Farkran of Divinegames.

We are fond of gamebooks and text adventures like you, and we decided to develop a gamebook creator which is complete, captivating and most importantly easy to use!

How often did you look for a editor and found only incomplete, overcomplicated or extremely limited programs? Our tool will be exactly the opposite: you will be able to use all the common features of a gamebook such as branching paths, but in addition you will be able to add and remove text dynamically through conditions, you will be able to set and use variables (such as character name, attributes, items, currency, experience and much more) and last but not least you will be able to export your book in a cool looking HTML page. All of this without need to know any programming language, because the program does it all by itself.

With your help, this project could come true Smile support us on indiegogo:

If you are interested or if you have any question, contact us at

Thank you for your attention!
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