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 Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever

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l'aventurier du dimanche
8 participants
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Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyMer 30 Mar 2011 - 13:02

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever has never been translated into French.
It's a Mad Max 3 or Fallout style serie of 4 books :

1 - Highway Holocaust
2 - Slaughter Mountain Run
3 - The Omega Zone
4 - California Countdown

You are Cal Phenix and you 're struggle for your life in California after a nuclear holocaust.

Rules :
Played with a D10 or a random number table, exactly like the Lone Wolf serie
Two basic attributes: Close Combat Skill and Endurance, like Lone Wolf serie.
There are also firearms...

You have to distribute points among Cal's five Survival Skills: Driving, Shooting, Field Craft, Stealth and Perception.
More points are gained as a result of successfully completing books.

From Demian website :
"There are a limited number of items that may be taken along, with a large load reducing Stealth.
It is also necessary to keep track of water, first aid supplies and several different types of ammunition."

Dernière édition par VIC le Ven 23 Nov 2012 - 0:27, édité 1 fois
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Maître admin
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Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyMer 30 Mar 2011 - 13:29

I'm currently reading the first 2 books, and I'don't have the others.

I find them quite hard or deadly without good Survival Skills : there is a lot of "Dead §" if U are unlucky with the dice.

There is a cliffhanger at the end of the first one, so the second book is quite needed if you want to resolve the cliffhanger.

Not bad, but these Mad Max stories are quite always the same, like the others ones : Freeway Warrior by Livingstone, or Car Wars by Jackson (US).
But if you like these kind of stories, you should try it.

I was surprised with one thing : there is a love story I love you beetwen you and a girl, so it's very different from Lone Wolf on this matter !
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l'aventurier du dimanche
l'aventurier du dimanche

Nombre de messages : 384
Loisirs : tuer des extraterrestres
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2009

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyDim 3 Avr 2011 - 17:53

il faut speak in english here!
I bought those books, i like mad max, car wars, freeway warior
i hope to find the same atmosfer
but is someone has traduce them in the language of the frogs?
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Maître admin
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Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyLun 4 Avr 2011 - 0:11

l'aventurier du dimanche a écrit:
il faut speak in english here!
I bought those books, i like mad max, car wars, freeway warior
i hope to find the same atmosfer
but is someone has traduce them in the language of the frogs?

I don't think so. Not to my knowledge.

You bought the FOUR Freeway Warrior books or some of them ?
If you have the 4 books, I'd like to know if the story has an REAL END, for the 3rd or 4th book.

CAR WARS : only the first 2 books have been published in French. There are 4 others books in English wich have never been translated in the langage of the frogs.
The first 2 Car Wars books are not so great, anyway, so I didn't buy the other ones so far...
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l'aventurier du dimanche
l'aventurier du dimanche

Nombre de messages : 384
Loisirs : tuer des extraterrestres
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2009

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyLun 4 Avr 2011 - 17:18

I got the four freeway warrior
4 car wars (2 in french) and 2 in english
and 4 falcon in english

I started to read the first freeway warrori in english but it is difficult even if I watch regulary Tv shows in english with subtitles. Reading is more difficult
So I am a little bite disapointed by my level, and affraid to not understand enough thoses stories

why english people don't write in french?
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Maître admin
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Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyLun 4 Avr 2011 - 20:32

... because the word is speaking English ?

Thanks ! I've got the first Falcon in French, and 2 Falcons in English too, I think (or maybe three ? I don't remember).
I agree, Freeway Warrior is quite more difficult to read than the ordinary DFs.

If you 're looking to a good dictionnary, I like the "Le Petit Ophrys " very much :
c'est un dico seulement anglais-français (gain de place, donc plus 2 fois + mots traduits),
qui a éliminé tous les mots simples du collèges (dog, etc ...) , (gain de place, donc encore + de mots traduits).
Bref je trouve que ce petit dico est excellent dès qu'on a franchit un certain niveau d'anglais, je n'ai pas trouvé plus pratique pour accompagner la lecture d'un livre en VO.
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l'aventurier du dimanche
l'aventurier du dimanche

Nombre de messages : 384
Loisirs : tuer des extraterrestres
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2009

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyMar 5 Avr 2011 - 17:52

thanks for your advice
I ll look a it when I'll be motivated for reading them
I got so much to read
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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Vierge Cheval
Nombre de messages : 2687
Age : 45
Localisation : Montreal, Canada
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2009

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyJeu 21 Avr 2011 - 0:52

I've actually got all four books of this series but i haven't gotten around to reading any of them yet. I'd rather start with the gamebooks from my childhood and then move on to series I've missed (as a result of them, say, not being published in french for example). I suppose I COULD read ahead and tell you if there's a proper ending but this would, i'm afraid, entail spoiling it for me. Razz It IS Joe Dever so i kinda doubt i'll be disappointed. In a similar vein i also collect the Car Wars series (the gamebooks standalone series, not the solo adventures that requires the Car Wars role-playing game rule books) . The concept is by Steve Jackson (US), however he only wrote the first book if my memory serves me correctly. In french only two of these books were published, but there were 6 of them originally. Again i can't say if it's worth anything, i haven't read any of them (nothing like collecting books you don't read...someday, someday...)
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Aventurier de l'Infini
Aventurier de l'Infini

Poissons Chèvre
Nombre de messages : 14372
Age : 45
Localisation : Angers
Profession : Employé commercial
Loisirs : Lectures, Commerce, Angers Sco
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2011

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyDim 15 Avr 2012 - 22:39

Je lis et écris mal l'anglais :s, mais j'ai hâte de lire les critiques en français de VIC sur cette série que j'aurais aimé voir traduite Sad.
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11785
Age : 51
Localisation : Ici et ailleurs
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyDim 15 Avr 2012 - 23:22

I have difficulties to imagine such a story written by Joe Dever. For many of us, Joe Dever is the father and creator of Lone Wolf and the world of Magnamund.
But why not, after all ? VIC, it's gonna be very interesting to read your feedback (despite the fact that I'm not found of that kind of universe).
J'ai du mal à imaginer ce genre d'histoire écrite par Joe Dever. Pour la plupart d'entre-nous, Joe Dever reste le père et créateur de Loup Solitaire et du monde du Magnamund.
Mais après tout, pourquoi pas ? VIC, ce sera vraiment intéressant de lire ton retour sur ces aventures (même si je ne suis pas vraiment fan de ce genre d'univers).
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Maître admin
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Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyLun 16 Avr 2012 - 1:21

It's coming soon : a full review with a deep analysis of the rules and some home-made advices to make the books easier. Without warning, the four books are too difficult to complete due to the character 's progression : the player doesn't know how to allocate skill points for each books and it's deadly.

Cela arrive bientôt : une revue complète avec une analyse en profondeur et des règles maisons pour rendre les livres plus faciles. Sans avertissement, les 4 livres sont trop difficiles à finir à cause de la progression du héros : le joueur ne sait pas comment distribuer ses points de compétence pour chaque livre et c'est mortel.

DFix vous propose les principaux DFs rééquilibrés avec une HAB calculée en fonction de la difficulté de chaque DF :
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Maître admin
Maître admin

Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyMer 18 Avr 2012 - 22:35

Just done !

j'ai donc inauguré la rubrique critique en VF de livres en VO avec une présentation assez fouillée de la série. Les 3 autres tomes suivront...

EDIT : done !

Dernière édition par VIC le Ven 23 Nov 2012 - 0:33, édité 1 fois
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11785
Age : 51
Localisation : Ici et ailleurs
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyLun 21 Mai 2012 - 22:19

Well, it seems really interesting and you have done a great job, each opus is well detailed. I didn't know that Brian Williams was the illustrator ! Is there a way to discover his job about these books ?
In fact, I am more interested in the atmosphere of the 80's than the story itself : I am definitively not found of that kind of universe.

Eh bien, ça semble trés interessant et tu as fait un sacré boulot, chaque bouquin est précisément détaillé. J'ignorais que Brian Williams en était l'illustrateur ! Y a moyen de découvrir son travail sur cette série ?
Mais bon, en fait, je suis plus inspiré par le côté "années 80" que par l'histoire en elle-même : je ne suis vraiment pas fan de ce genre d'univers.
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Maître admin
Maître admin

Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyMar 22 Mai 2012 - 0:45

Voyageur Solitaire a écrit:
Is there a way to discover his job about these books ?
Y a moyen de découvrir son travail sur cette série ?
Check your mailbox. Also, you can play on line the first book at Project Aon's site. Thank you for your feedback.

Regarde ta boîte mail. Le premier livre est jouable en ligne sur le site du Projet Aon. Merci pour ton fidebaque.

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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11785
Age : 51
Localisation : Ici et ailleurs
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyMar 22 Mai 2012 - 16:24

Doctor Feelgood my friend : you're the best.
(Pas la peine de traduire)
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Aventurier de l'Infini
Aventurier de l'Infini

Poissons Chèvre
Nombre de messages : 14372
Age : 45
Localisation : Angers
Profession : Employé commercial
Loisirs : Lectures, Commerce, Angers Sco
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2011

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyJeu 22 Nov 2012 - 11:53

Où a-t'on le lien PDF de ces gamebooks sur la toile pour y jeter un oeil ?
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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Nombre de messages : 953
Localisation : Lyon
Profession : Développeur
Loisirs : Geek
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2011

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyJeu 22 Nov 2012 - 13:33

Project Aon fourni gratuitement (et officiellement) le premier, les autres sont "en projet".
Sinon je les avais récupéré sur Home of the Underdogs, mais je ne sais pas s'ils sont toujours accessibles. À voir.
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Maître admin
Maître admin

Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyJeu 22 Nov 2012 - 18:07

J'ai les originaux mais je les ai passés à Warlock.
Akka a raison pour le 1. Les pdfs existaient aussi, je connaissais quelqu'un qui les avait.

Puisque le 1 est dispo légalement, il te permettra de te faire une idée, sauf en ce qui concerne les illustrations de Brian Williams qui n'a pas illustré le tome 1.
Sinon tu as a mes critiques très très détaillées de ces livres, avec conseils de règles mais sans spoiler.

Pour les amateurs d'univers Mad Max très 80's qui savent parler anglais, cette série vaut le coup.
Quel dommage qu'elle n'est pas été publiée en France.
Je la préfère aux 2è, 3è, ou 4è cycle de LS par exemple.
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Date d'inscription : 08/11/2012

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyJeu 22 Nov 2012 - 21:29

holy fu*kin sh*t i never knew the exitence of this gr8 concept by mister dever!!
ive always been a huge fan of lone wolf andthe way he wrote his stories...
so as soon as i get noticed of these books , i started to read the one on project aon,
and i must admit i enjoy it so mch, ive been searchin for stories like this for years
too bad i never knew it b4 2nite...
so now on ill try to found these 4 books
is ther any conections w/ le combattant de l'autoroute?
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Maître admin
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Nombre de messages : 13654
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyVen 23 Nov 2012 - 0:27

silencer a écrit:
is ther any conections w/ le combattant de l'autoroute?

Hello Silencer.
I'm glad to see your interest about these books.
I spent a lot of time making the review of the 4 books (, and I think Freeway Warrior is really worth it.
There is no conection w/ le combattant de l'autoroute which is just a one shot (all differents characters, etc ...)
The universe is post nuclear like it was in Mad Max 3.

If you are a huge fan of the way Joe Dever wrotes his stories, maybe you'll be impressed the way I was by how Joe Dever succeded with this huge story over 4 books.
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Fléau des Héros
Fléau des Héros

Poissons Buffle
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Age : 51
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Date d'inscription : 30/07/2008

Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever EmptyVen 17 Avr 2015 - 20:22

LJS alias Alin V, héritier du royaume de Durenor.
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Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever   Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever Empty

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Freeway Warrior by Joe Dever
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 Sujets similaires
» FREEWAY WARRIOR 1 par Joe Dever : Highway Holocaust
» FREEWAY WARRIOR 2 par Joe Dever : Slaughter Mountain Run
» FREEWAY WARRIOR 3 par Joe Dever : The Omega Zone
» FREEWAY WARRIOR 4 par Joe Dever : California Countdown
» Freeway Warrior

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