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 Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè

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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Nombre de messages : 10532
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 10:30

Crying or Very sad Ça a l'air intéressant mais je comprend rien à ce que vous racontez...

salut Salut à toi...euh welcome...
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 10:34

Hello! Thank you!
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11906
Age : 52
Localisation : Colombie
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 12:10

Skald, allow me to translate for dav-ID.

Je disais donc à Skald que je suis allé en Russie ce printemps et il me précisait que s'il a vécu là-bas, il vit désormais en République d'Abkhazie, pays qui m'est totalement inconnu, coincé entre Turquie, Géorgie et Russie. Il me donnait des renseignements sur cet endroit que je ne connais absolument pas, apparemment riche en histoire, civilisations et paysages. Une république récente (1992), pas encore reconnue officiellement par beaucoup de pays.
A ma grande surprise, l'endroit semble connu, touristique et apprécié (beaucoup de touristes russes).
C'est également Skald qui chante sur la vidéo postée plus haut.
Autrement, il est très actif dans l'univers des Gamebook en langue russe, livres qu'il traduit actuellement du russe à l'anglais.
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 14:08

Whatever it was, if anyone has the opportunity and desire to help me with the translation - I will be very grateful. To begin with, I can drop a few short stories (hopefully, they will cheer you up) in the mail: for a person who knows English well, the translation of such small works will not take much time and effort. Just now I publish works on" Amazon "gradually, on the principle of" from small stories to big novels", trying to raise funds for the translation of large books-games in English due to the number of published and reach the audience (the cost of each small work on" Amazon " purely symbolic - $0.35). When the book-games will be translated into English (the largest of the published at the moment - 1270 pages, there are about 800, and less), they are already easier to translate from English to any other language, be it even French, though Spanish, though Japanese, than directly translate from Russian.
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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Taureau Chèvre
Nombre de messages : 10532
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 21:55

Voyageur Solitaire a écrit:
C'est également Skald qui chante sur la vidéo postée plus haut.

Shocked A oui quand même...

Very beautiful voice... thumright
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 22:05

Thanks! This was last year's recording, when I was just starting to learn academic vocals. Now I sing much better and more confident. I hope that if I happen to get out on tour in France and see the members of your wonderful community in person, I will definitely sing something to you)
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11906
Age : 52
Localisation : Colombie
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 22:13

Skald a écrit:
Thanks! This was last year's recording, when I was just starting to learn academic vocals. Now I sing much better and more confident. I hope that if I happen to get out on tour in France and see the members of your wonderful community in person, I will definitely sing something to you)

Translation/traduction :
Merci ! Cet enregistrement date de l'année dernière, quand j'ai commencé à apprendre le chant classique. Aujourd'hui, je chante bien mieux et je suis plus sûr de moi. J'espère que si je viens un jour en France et rencontre certains membres de votre super communauté, je pourrai vous chanter quelque chose.
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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Taureau Chèvre
Nombre de messages : 10532
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 22:29

Merci VS pour la traduction (même si j'arrive quand même à comprendre un peut en utilisant les mots que je connais)...ouais je sais, j'ai toujours été bidon en anglais à l'époque et j'ai jamais fait l'effort de m'y mettre...

Skald a écrit:
I will definitely sing something to you)

With great pleasure (j'espère que ça se dit comme ça avec grand plaisir (utilisation d'un traducteur))...

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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyDim 4 Nov 2018 - 22:40

By the way, if you are interested, there is a wonderful Opera cartoon in French)

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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Nombre de messages : 5385
Localisation : Le Havre (Seine-Maritime, France)
Profession : Ingénieur en génie des matériaux et génie mécanique
Loisirs : Jdr, musique, cinéma, aïkido, iaïdo
Date d'inscription : 13/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 18:51

Hello Skald, I am currently translating from German to French (for the RPG The Dark Eye) so no time left for the moment. If think I would be more comfortable to translate from English but from this small experience, translation is a really tough job!
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11906
Age : 52
Localisation : Colombie
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 19:02

You speak German cdang ?
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 19:04

Hello! Good to see you! I understand that translation is hard work. I translate from Bulgarian, a little worse understand English, but just translate from a foreign language to your own and translate from your to a foreign - it's completely different things. Especially when it comes to fiction. I plan in the future to translate in German too, just as long as you do what in my power at the moment.
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 19:05

Alas, in German I know only individual expression. My father knows German and several other languages, but he lives in Israel, I rarely see him, he is a busy man and is unlikely to help me with the translation into German.
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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Nombre de messages : 5385
Localisation : Le Havre (Seine-Maritime, France)
Profession : Ingénieur en génie des matériaux et génie mécanique
Loisirs : Jdr, musique, cinéma, aïkido, iaïdo
Date d'inscription : 13/11/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 19:33

Concerning Bulgarian, did I already mentionned that one of our authors was translated in this language?

His name here is Fitz and he spent a few years here and speak and write Bulgarian now.
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 19:52

Yes, I know)

In Russia, probably the most famous book, translated from French, is the work of Philip Åbley
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 19:53

As I understand it, "Octopus Island" originally came out as a" normal " book, and then came out its interactive version. Is that a common practice?
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Maître d'armes
Maître d'armes

Taureau Chèvre
Nombre de messages : 10532
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 21:58

Skald a écrit:
"Octopus Island"

Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 61VKepyVtWL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_

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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyLun 5 Nov 2018 - 23:29

Yes, in comparison with the Russian version of the cover design is different, although similar)
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptyVen 9 Nov 2018 - 13:35

A small cartoon about stereotypes about Russia)
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptySam 10 Nov 2018 - 19:02

Recently, the public in Russia became interested in my book "Sea Tales" (this is not quite the correct translation, but I do not know how to say the name more correctly). Some even want to buy it for children, although I did not write it as a child: it is completely adult on the subject (the first book is devoted to the European fleet of the XVI century, the second book-the middle East fleet of the XVI century, the third-the Asian fleet of the XVI century, with reference to the history, mythology and features of the Navy Renaissance). We decided to do this: first lay out a trial run, and see how quickly it will be sold out. If it will understand well, then these funds are not me, and the publisher itself will produce more copies, gradually increasing them. If it turns out, the book-game will get a new impetus for development, because before the release of circulation there were many who want to buy it. On Monday it is necessary to solve bureaucratic issues, and if all goes well, then in three months "Sea Tales" and "Eastern shores" (the second part) will be on sale in Moscow. However, for me personally, the income from this will be tiny, for the sale of books on the "Amazon" hopes more, but important is the fact that the books-games there is interest in modern society, and not only as entertainment for teenagers: mostly my books like people from thirty years and older generations.
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11906
Age : 52
Localisation : Colombie
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptySam 10 Nov 2018 - 19:58

Congratulations !
Even if the most important motivation for writing is your own pleasure (that's my opinion), it's always rewarding to see such an interest from the public. We have a point in commun : my books aren't written for a teenager public too, not at all. I created a very realistic atmosphere, I don't like at all chilhood or teenage atmosphere and tone.

Fast translation/traduction rapide :

Récemment, mon livre "Sea Tales" (ce n'est pas la traduction correcte mais je n'ai pas réussi à traduire le titre plus précisément) a suscité l'intérêt du public en Russie. Beaucoup ont souhaité l'acheter pour leurs enfants bien que je ne l'ai pas écrit pour ce public. Le sujet est totalement adulte (le premier est consacré à la flotte européenne du XVIème siècle, le second à la flotte du Moyen-Orient du XVIème siècle toujours et le troisième à la flotte asiatique du XVIème, avec des références à la mythologie et aux grands personnages de l'époque).
Nous avons décidé de faire un premier essai et de voir comment vont évoluer les choses. Si ça marche, ce sera une nouvelle impulsion pour le développement des livres-jeux. Lundi, nous réglons les dernières formalités et, si tout se passe bien, dans trois mois, Sea Tales et Eastern Shores (la deuxième partie), seront en vente à Moscou. Pour ma part, le revenu financier sera mince, même si j'attends plus des ventes sur Amazon mais le plus important est de voir cet intérêt pour le gamebook dans notre époque moderne et pas nécessairement pour un public adolescent : la plupart de mes lecteurs sont dans la trentaine ou plus âgés.
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptySam 10 Nov 2018 - 20:07

Thank you) Actually, the book is primarily written because the author has the need to write well, sometimes, something to convey to the minds and hearts of readers. I was never a vain or self-interested person: if I sat on a desert island and knew that no one would ever read my books, but had the opportunity to write, I would still write. But since it was an opportunity to draw public attention to the books-games and contribute to the development of the direction, I think this should be used)
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11906
Age : 52
Localisation : Colombie
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptySam 10 Nov 2018 - 20:19

The same for me, writing (like drawing) has been first an experience, then a pleasure and now became a need. Probably for me a way to express myself, my personnality and my love for Fantasy. It was also a way to create my own universe, after being disappointed by many books. I mean, some where good but I didn't find in them all that I was expecting. So the solution became to write it by myself. That's how and why I created Shamanka, my own Fantasy universe, with its geography, history, people, races and mythology, creatures and places… It's incredibly exaltating (and not so easy...) to create a world of your own.
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptySam 10 Nov 2018 - 20:34

As I see it: a creative person has the same need for creativity as in food, sleep, breathing. If a creative person is not engaged in creativity, he experiences creative hunger. He will live, but as a cripple. Sometimes he carries a plan, full of energy, which he wants to implement, and it is strange to ask why. This can only ask the person away from creativity. It's like asking a pregnant woman: "What new will your child give to the world?". Thoughts, ideas, images embodied in the book are also our children.
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Voyageur Solitaire
Voyageur Solitaire

Vierge Rat
Nombre de messages : 11906
Age : 52
Localisation : Colombie
Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes
Loisirs : Living in another world
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptySam 10 Nov 2018 - 20:45

Skald a écrit:
Thoughts, ideas, images embodied in the book are also our children.

Yes, I agree. And sometimes, your own characters seem to escape from you… I have writen so much about the main characters of my little world, I have studied so much their personality, their character, tastes and reactions that sometimes, I feel as they were alive, real people… I write something about one and then, I think to myself "No, that's bad, he wouldn't have react like this, he wouldn't have said that…"
It's a very strange feeling, but exaltating.
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Lion Dragon
Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 36
Profession : Singer, writer, teacher
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018

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MessageSujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè   Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè - Page 5 EmptySam 10 Nov 2018 - 20:54

No wonder it was in France that the creative principle "L'art pour l'art"was formulated. Charles Baudelaire argued that, of course, art can elevate a person above the circle of ordinary interests, soften hearts and ennoble mores, but if the need for creativity is not a fundamental incentive, it weakens the power of creativity. Because a person should be ready to work without return and visible benefit.
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