Nombre de messages : 13668 Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Mar 13 Mar 2018 - 23:02
Skald a écrit:
By the way, many (not all, but many) at one time wrote under the English-language pseudonyms, because in the 90 years of this book was better sold. Was it the same in France?
It is said that Gallimard (who edited 90% of the ldvelh in the 80's) at the time, prefered english pseudonyms to french ones in order to sell more ldvelhs :
- As far as I know, there's only James Campbell (probably Jean-françois Ménard)
- Doug Headline as I said before, but his nickname is quite the translation in english of his french name, and he was Doug Headline before writing ldvelhs. He was not published by Gallimard by the way.
Gildas Sagot wrote under his real name for Gallimard, so ... everything is possible.
In fact there was so much english ldvelhs to translate in the 80's in the golden aera, that the need for french authors was not crucial. It was easier to translate an english book.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Mer 14 Mar 2018 - 7:31
Thank you!
I wanted to show some of my books) (winner of the grant 2017)
VIK Maître admin
Nombre de messages : 13668 Localisation : Paris Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Mer 14 Mar 2018 - 23:07
I like the covers of idushiy na smekh, and morslie bayki too (a old map from Olaus Magnus). The sad news is I can't read russian now, tepier ya nitchevo nie ponimaiou.
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Jeu 15 Mar 2018 - 7:41
I plan to gradually translate my works into English. I'm just not sure that it will be soon.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Mar 20 Mar 2018 - 12:24
The most popular of the Russian-language books-games about France)
cdang Maître d'armes
Nombre de messages : 5502 Localisation : Le Havre (Seine-Maritime, France) Profession : Ingénieur en génie des matériaux et génie mécanique Loisirs : Jdr, musique, cinéma, aïkido, iaïdo Date d'inscription : 13/11/2013
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Mar 20 Mar 2018 - 15:34
Google translate says it's too big to translate (-:
Anyway, it's good to know that there is a strong, motivated and creative gamebook community beyond Ural (-:
oriounga Maître d'armes
Nombre de messages : 2683 Localisation : Akad et Sumer Date d'inscription : 20/04/2007
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Jeu 17 Mai 2018 - 12:53
Priviet Skald?
Kak delà?
Welcome here and thank you very much for your messages, since they are very interesting.
I learned many things regarding gamebooks in Russia.
Take care.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Jeu 17 Mai 2018 - 16:54
Thank you! If there are any questions, I'd be happy to answer. We have many interesting projects now. In the future, we are going to translate some of our game books into English.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Jeu 1 Nov 2018 - 15:30
Good day! I haven't been here in a while. But all this time I was hoping I could translate the books into English to introduce you to them. Unfortunately, my books-games are big enough that I can now just pay for their translation from Russian to English (and to translate from their language to another is always more difficult than Vice versa), despite the fact that it does not pay off (it is expensive, and will not buy, because these things nowadays do not write to earn money, but just for the heart and soul). However, I began to give to the translation and spread to the best of their "normal" works, in the hope that they will be able to gain funds for the translation of large books and books-games. At the moment, a couple of small works translated from Russian to English Maria Eroshkina from Russia, to check literacy she helped Jen Duncan from the UK, and then the same book translated from English to Spanish Pablo Martinez - my friend from the Spanish community of fans of books-games. I hope that in the foreseeable future I will be able to translate books-games and to acquaint with them companions from France. In the meantime, I can show you a couple of" normal " works translated into English)
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 21:12
Guys, when I translate the game books from Russian into English, will someone help me translate them into French?
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 21:19
In any case, as the translation of new books in different languages will appear here (so far there is only English and Spanish):
Voyageur Solitaire Voyageur
Nombre de messages : 12104 Age : 52 Localisation : Tibestan Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes, père des Fils du Soleil Loisirs : Living in another world Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 21:42
Welcome back Skald ! Where were you all this time ? Very busy it seems. I'm afraid not be able to help you at the moment, I am very busy with the final writing of my new adventure (I need to finish it before the end of the year for the YAZ competition). So, the only thing I can do is to wish you good luck and successful continuation.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 21:47
Thank you! Yes, actually, I have only recently started a vacation at work: concerts, performances. Here's a snippet of last year's recording when I first got into music)
During this time in my life there were a lot of events, a lot of adventures, but then it came out thoroughly to take up literature and publish a lot. I hope now I will come here often)
Voyageur Solitaire Voyageur
Nombre de messages : 12104 Age : 52 Localisation : Tibestan Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes, père des Fils du Soleil Loisirs : Living in another world Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 22:01
Is that you singing ? I thought about you five months ago : I went to Russia for holidays, two weeks in St-Petersburg region (not for the football World Cup, I don't care about it) but for the "white nights". It was my first time in your country and I found it awesome, some many things to see in this town and the countryside is beautiful. I spent a long weekend in Moscow too but I didn't like it...
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 22:07
I'm singing. But I myself do not live in Russia, but in Abkhazia (there is such a small partially recognized Republic on the black Sea coast). I once lived for six months in St. Petersburg, graduated from an Institute in Moscow, graduated from high school in Sochi (studied there only in the senior class), but in General I am rarely in Russia now, mostly in transit. But last year I visited Israel, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Voyageur Solitaire Voyageur
Nombre de messages : 12104 Age : 52 Localisation : Tibestan Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes, père des Fils du Soleil Loisirs : Living in another world Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 22:24
Well, I am usually considered as a big traveller, a real "globe-trotter" but I have never heard about Abkhazia… I just had a look on wikipedia, it looks very beautiful and wild, really authentic (Something I like).
For my part, I was in South Korea and Viêt-Nam two weeks ago, but for my work. My next big travel, for next year's holidays, will take place in Bolivia.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 22:30
If you have time and desire - come to visit. I have a house by the sea, many friends come from all over to visit. There are many beauties: mountains, where there is snow and grass; forests, where there are palm trees with vines and coniferous trees; sea and many interesting places. The architecture is diverse: Byzantines, Turks, Genoese and many other peoples lived in this region in different centuries. People here are friendly and hospitable, foreign tourists come a lot.
Voyageur Solitaire Voyageur
Nombre de messages : 12104 Age : 52 Localisation : Tibestan Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes, père des Fils du Soleil Loisirs : Living in another world Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 22:41
foreign tourists come a lot. Is that so ? I imagined it was an unknown country (no offense in my words), very quiet and without tourists… I have always desire to discover new places, specially that kind, rich in history, civilisations and various landscapes. But so little time, unfortunately.
But thanks a lot for the invitation. I keep it in a corner of my memory and maybe one day… Why not ?
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 22:52
Actually, from here, Zurab Sotkilava (one of the greatest Opera tenors of the twentieth century), the Opera diva Hibla Gerzmava, in a word there is something to see. People come from Germany, Switzerland, now a lot of people came from the Middle East (well, it seems to be now everywhere), from Africa (there was a couple of times the world Cup among small and unrecognized or partially recognized countries), from Asia, from different places. Naturally, mainly from Russia. Abkhazia is bordered by Russia and Georgia on land and from Turkey by sea. The country was recognized by Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Syria, Nauru, Tuvalu (later changed their mind), Vanuatu (also changed their mind) and a number of other countries (mostly the same small and partially recognized). At the same time, many countries do not formally recognize the country, but unofficially maintain good relations in all spheres (for example, Belarus). In General, historically the very first mention of this land is found in Antiquity, at Pliny Secunda, and later at Flavius Ariana.
Voyageur Solitaire Voyageur
Nombre de messages : 12104 Age : 52 Localisation : Tibestan Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes, père des Fils du Soleil Loisirs : Living in another world Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Sam 3 Nov 2018 - 23:06
Well, it's a real discover for me. I can imagine it's like all these countries along the Silk Road for example : not really known, not necessarily coming to mind as a holiday's destination, but beautiful and attractive. A hidden treasure in a certain way...
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Dim 4 Nov 2018 - 7:50
Actually, the main source of income in the country is tourism. Especially many people began to come from Russia when sanctions were imposed: not everyone goes to the Crimea, and tourists are already tired of resting in Turkey. The second main source of income is the sale of citrus fruits. There are so many tangerines here that most of them rot without even reaching export: fallen fruits eat cows, and it is considered indecent to give tangerines. At the same time in these places since the middle ages there are a lot of traditions that seem very strange to tourists. Well, for example: in Abkhazia previously ruled princes (now there are their descendants, but it's just a respected dynasty), but it was believed that a real Prince should know the needs of the people and therefore a real man can grow only in a poor peasant family, because the future ruler was given to the education of a peasant family, and his father once a year was interested in how he was doing; later peasants were loyal to such a man not because he is their ruler, but because it is their relative who has the right to speak with other families on their behalf.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Dim 4 Nov 2018 - 8:03
The translation, unfortunately, is not quite accurate: some of the terms are not equivalent. For example, I do not know how to explain: the Supreme ruler of Abkhazia was called "Basileus". Google translates regional rulers as" princes", but this is incorrect.
Voyageur Solitaire Voyageur
Nombre de messages : 12104 Age : 52 Localisation : Tibestan Profession : Dieu des voyageurs, arpenteur des mondes, père des Fils du Soleil Loisirs : Living in another world Date d'inscription : 14/03/2009
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Dim 4 Nov 2018 - 9:37
That's right : the original greek signification of Basileus is (more or less) "King". A lot of sovereigns were named with this title : Persians, Macedonians, Greeks, even egyptians after Alexander the Great's conquest… And, of course, the emperor of Byzantium.
Thanks for your informations, it's really interesting and makes me curious to discover that place.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Dim 4 Nov 2018 - 9:51
I understand. Often translated to say "the king", although it is close, but still a little different meaning. A lot of nuances. For example, a prisoner of war slave could sue the Supreme ruler, and in court the voice of an old peasant meant more than the voice of a young ruler. However, sue was considered not very well, typically the issues resolved without bringing to this. There was blood revenge, but there was no death penalty: in the worst case, a person was expected either exile (and then he had no chance to survive alone, although sometimes it could take in a strange kind), or social exile (when it officially ceased to be considered a man and even scraps were given not to him, but to dogs, and the man By inheritance, power was transferred not to the eldest, but to the youngest son (he will live longer; however, because of this, conflicts often arose). But the power was not something inalienable: the leader had to lead during the hostilities and coordinate the work in peacetime, but most of the time he was "the first among equals", and if he did not perform his duties - he could be replaced and put another.
Skald Guerrier
Nombre de messages : 89 Age : 36 Profession : Singer, writer, teacher Date d'inscription : 05/03/2018
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Dim 4 Nov 2018 - 10:08
The ethnic composition is very diverse, as is the cultural composition. People speak many languages, belong to different Nations, profess different religions (the national flag even symbolically shows how people of different views and beliefs get along). The photo shows a local resident in national dress (photo of the XIX century).
dav-ID Maître d'armes
Nombre de messages : 10666 Age : 45 Date d'inscription : 20/06/2007
Sujet: Re: Êíèãè-èãðû â Ðîññèè Dim 4 Nov 2018 - 10:30
Ça a l'air intéressant mais je comprend rien à ce que vous racontez...